Categories: Invest in Assets

MFI: Boost Your Returns by Leveraging the Power of Money Flow Index in Stock Trading!

Are you looking for a way to finance your online business? if you have a knack for trading and know something about stocks, then you can make money trading and put that to use in your business. This is possible because often online business is a low-investment business. Therefore, you can pay your monthly subscriptions for various online marketing tools from your trading profits. Let’s see how this can be done using the Money Flow Index (MFI) in stock trading.


The Money Flow Index (MFI) is an oscillator that combines price and volume to measure buying and selling pressure in the financial markets. This tool can help traders identify potential buying or selling opportunities, as well as provide robust signals when combined with other indicators. In this blog post, we will discuss how to use the MFI indicator in online stock market trading, plus tips and strategies on how to leverage its power for maximum returns! Read on to find out more about this invaluable tool!


A. What is the Money Flow Index (MFI)?

Money Flow Index (MFI) is a technical analysis tool used by stock traders to determine the stability of a stock’s price movements and momentum. It compares price changes to volume over a certain range of time and categorizes it into either bullish or bearish territory. This can help traders identify potential buying and selling opportunities, which may lead to higher returns on their investments. Money Flow Index provides an additional layer of data to be incorporated into the evaluation process when making decisions on stocks. By assessing the Money Flow Index, investors can make more strategic decisions when trading and get an edge over other traders.

B. How does the MFI work?

MFI calculates the relative value of money flowing in and out, providing insight into how overbought or oversold a stock may be. The Money Flow Index takes both price and volume into consideration, comparing current prices with previous values to display the ratio of buying to selling pressure. In this way, it can be used by investors to indicate when a stock is being sold at an elevated rate and may be due for a correction. By taking Money Flow Index signals into account when trading stocks, investors can gain insights into potential buying or selling opportunities.

C. How is MFI calculated?

The Money Flow Index (MFI) calculation involves the following steps-

  1. Typical Price = (High + Low + Close)/3
  2. Raw Money Flow = Typical Price x Volume
  3. Money Flow Ratio = (14-period Positive Money Flow) / (14-period Negative Money Flow)
  4. Money Flow Index = 100 – {100 / (1 + Money Flow Ratio)}

Trading With MFI

A. How to Use MFI Oscillator in Stock Market Trading

Traders can benefit from utilizing the Money Flow Index, which records the strength of money entering and leaving a security. This oscillator often signals potential reversals in price trends when there is divergence – that is, if MFI readings move opposite to what underlying prices are doing (e.g., high MFIs falling below 80 while securities climb), this may indicate an impending reversal downward; similarly, low MFIs rallying above 20 as securities sell off could signify an imminent upward shift in value!

As a trader, it’s important to monitor price and Money Flow Index (MFI) divergences. Such an example is when stock prices climb from $10 to $12 but MFI fails to confirm the new high – this could be indicative of a potential decline in value shortly after. Additionally, moves below 10 or above 90 on the MFI are rare opportunities traders should keep an eye out for as they can signal possible trading entry points: A move back above 10 indicating long-term trade possibilities and dropping beyond 90 suggesting short-trade prospects!

B. Failure Swings Trading with MFI

Failure swings can be a valuable tool for stock traders as they allow them to capture profits more quickly than traditional trading methods. They are based on the idea of finding reversals in market trends and capitalizing on them.

Failure swings are a useful tool for predicting price reversals in stocks. These types of divergence exist at both the overbought and oversold extremes, as represented by the Money Flow Index (MFI). A bullish failure swing starts with an MFI below 20 before rising back above this level; then dropping off again but staying higher than it was initially. The final step is punctuated by shooting past its previous high to signal a reversal from bearishness to bullishness. Conversely, during a bearish failure swing starting with an MFI reading above 80 – falling beneath that line before increasing slightly yet remaining lower than originally noted – prices ultimately descend past their prior low point signaling a change from bull market conditions into bear territory. With the right setup, failure swings can help you maximize your returns while minimizing risk and volatility.

Shortcomings of MFI

Although MFI is a powerful indicator, it has some shortcomings that traders should be aware of.  As with any technical indicator, divergences between MFI and price can be misleading. As such, it’s important to use other indicators in conjunction with MFI to confirm any potential reversals in stock prices. Finally, there may be instances where the MFI fails to respond correctly due to extreme volatility or thin trading volume; this could lead to false signals – something that traders should always keep an eye out for!

Points to remember

Generate some points to remember while trading with MFI:

  1. Utilize the Money Flow Index as an additional indicator for stock market trading.

  2. Be aware of divergences between MFI and price, which could signal a potential reversal in prices.

  3. Look out for moves below 10 or above 90 on the MFI, which can be opportunities to trade.

  4. Failure swings are valuable tools for predicting reversals in stock prices.

  5. Always use other indicators to confirm any potential trading opportunities signaled by MFI.

  6. Be aware that false signals may occur due to extreme volatility or thin trading volume.


Powering stock trading with Money Flow Index can help to generate enough monthly profit to pay your monthly subscription bills. It is wise to practice using a demo account before trading with hard-earned money into the stock market.  This blog post should provide some insight into understanding and utilizing the benefits of using this technical indicator to make smarter trading decisions. So, if you’re looking to get an edge in terms of safe trading, and make some extra cash to finance your passion-to-profession online venture, give the Money Flow Index (MFI) a try! Good luck!

Read: Most Effective Strategies to Invest in Stocks using Stochastic Chart



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